2021 Season Update.

2021 Season Update.

Following yesterday’s announcement that the ACT lockdown would be extended for another 4 weeks, until Friday 15 October 2021, the ACT & SNSW Rugby Union has made the difficult but unavoidable decision to cancel the remainder of the 2021 seasons for all five senior competitions. 

With the cancellation of the remainder of the season, the 83-year-old John I Dent Cup will not be awarded for the first time since 1944.

With the government’s plan to relax lockdown restrictions once the 80% vaccination milestone is reached, the ACT & SNSW rugby community can look forward to hopefully, a more stable year of rugby in 2022. 

For our Vikings Rugby Family, rest assured that the committee and staff are making plans for several events and activities post-lockdown. These will include a BBQ get-together (hopefully late October), a Presentation Night (early to mid-November), the Annual General Meeting (AGM) (18 November) and a Christmas Party (in December). As well, rehab and off-season training programs will be in full swing as soon as possible.

Remember, if you are anxious or stressed by lockdown, check the available club resources, reach out to the committee, staff or your team management or access the resources of:

Lifeline (24/7)

13 11 14


Suicide Call Back Service (24/7)

1300 659 467


Beyond Blue

1300 224 636


SANE Australia

1800 18 SANE (7263)


More contacts:
